Join British Historian Douglas Wrattle on an unofficial walking tour along the medieval streets of Olde Linköping. Retrace the footsteps of Romans Legionaries, wrap yourself in the undergarments of the Pharoahs, and discover how the Dinosaurs are responsible for an occasional lingering smell of egg.

This tour has been organised with the generous help of Irvin and Bunny Schneider, founding members of the Tampa Historical Society of Tampa who are currently vacationing in Scandinavia.

The tour will be in English and mostly outside. Dress for the weather - Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst!

Ticket price includes a warm drink at Dahlbergs Café - Spiced Apple Juice or Hot Chocolate

Douglas Wrattle may or may not resemble Copenhagen based comedian Adrian Mackinder who has worked for Comedy Central, and runs the satircal podcast History For You.

Bunny Schneider may or may not resemble Kathryn LeRoux, Swedish based comedian who has performed at RAW, etc

Irvin Schneider may or may not resemble Ben Kersley, Linköping based comedian behind the Linköping Comedy Festival and winner of Lars Winnerbäck's Nypon prize 2021