A wrapper and a rhymer

Merry Xmas!

Even though President Trump has told us that the very phrase Merry Xmas has been under attack, I'm going to say it loud! Because Xmas isn't just about the presents. Oh no..... it's about the competition around those presents!

I'm not talking about the subtle competitions that go on - spending a fortune when, you've agreed not to go wild, pretending to really, really appreciate that knitted jumper from your mother in law, or my favourite - Who can give the most inappropriate gift: A bottle of whisky to the recovering alcoholic, a fur hat to the vegan cousin, an understanding ear for your rellies who voted for Brexit. 

The competition I'm talking about is far more important and I'm happy to say that this year has shown that I am from a family of winners! Because this year we had a Secret Santa! With prizes!

There were two categories: One for best wrapping and one for best rhyme. And we cleaned up! My daughter won the best wrapping with her brilliant reindeer design. And I blew away the competition in (mostly) my second language with my epic ode to my son. A poem with subtle allusions to both Alexander Pope and The Venerable Bede (Not really!)

This is us basking in our glory and holding our trophies! 


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